We don't have a hospital

13-Apr-2016 | 10:21

Here in Ntandile we don't have a proper hospital close we travel all the way to Central. we need a clinic close please

chipatala kulibe pafupi

19-Nov-2020 | 13:23

kuno kwathu ku Chiradzulu kwa pelembe dera lonse kuchoka mbali ya kwa mpama kulibe chipatala tikadwala timayenda kukafika ku chipatala chachikulu


03-Aug-2016 | 07:26


Request for Health Centre

16-Aug-2016 | 08:18

kuno kwa chinsapo tikufuna ka clinic chipatala timachita kupita ku likuni, pafupi pali clinic ya kwa Ntchetche koma timalipira

Need for Health Centre in Mtandile

19-Aug-2016 | 12:02

Ndine Joe Malenga kuno kwathu ku Mtandile tilibe ka chipatala ka boma ngati ka health centre kapafupi

Chipatala chili kutali kuno ku Mtandile

19-Aug-2016 | 12:05

ndine joe malenga kuno ku mtandile vuto lathu ndi la chipatala chili kutali

Government should take heed of CSO's Concern

24-Dec-2016 | 06:50

I would like to comment on an article that was carried in The Nation newspaper about CSO's raising a concern on the decline in the Health Sector budget allocation over the last 5 years... it is worrisome when we are assured that it is okay and yet within the same week we heard that QECH is running short of theatre equipment

Zolozolo clinic mpaka pano *Resolved*

17-Nov-2016 | 15:36

Tati tiwakumbutse atsogoleri athu kuti Zolozolo clinic mpaka pano sitikumvako kalikonse kuti itha liti. kodi kapena ndalama sizidayende bwino

Hospital Project Abondoned in Machinjiri

16-Dec-2016 | 05:11

I would like to report that a hospital project was abandoned here in Machinjiri soon after the 2014 General elections. The project was initiated by John Bande but since he lost to the incumbent Noel Masangwi, there has been no progress. I personally have no direct means to reach out to the Member of Parliament but I know a number of people in the community are complaining about this. Please, we really need this project to pick up.

Project ya Chipatala idaima ku Chiradzulu

18-Dec-2016 | 15:49

kuno ku Chiladzulu T.A.Kadewele chipatala chinayamba kumangidwa 2O14 mpaka lelo sichikutha

Tikudikirabe project ya chipatala

20-Dec-2016 | 05:31

Kuno kwa gwaza Chipatala Anachiyamba 2004 mpaka 2016 Palibe Chilipo Zomba Chingale. Ine Mayikolo

Kuno ku Machinjiri kodi tidalakwanji

06-Dec-2016 | 04:21

Ndati ndifunse nawo kuti kodi kuno ku Machinjiri tidalakwanji? ma project ambiri adaima. chitsanzo project ya chipatala. nafe tili ndi ufulu wa chitukuko monga tidamvera. kotero chonde tiuzireniko atsogoleri athu. Mayi Wesike