Kutenga ma nambala aziphaso zovotera kwa anthu

13-Apr-2019 | 19:45

Ku Balaka North Atsogoleri Akutenga Nambala Ya Kovotera Akumanena Kt Atipatsa Nsalu,tishirt Kapena Chipewa Moti Kuno Atenga Ambiri Ndipo Tili Ndi nkhawa

Kutola ma nambala ya viphaso va wanthu

07-May-2019 | 12:02

Shadow wa Rumphi Central wakuchema wanthu kunyumba yakhembwe wakutolapo number pa voter I.D

Ferrying Voters

21-May-2019 | 11:58

Is it acceptable to ferry voters on a voting day when one is a candidate? We have evidence here in Lilongwe Msozi North

DPP monitor arrested at Mbalachanda

23-Jun-2020 | 07:52

At Mbalachanda TDC, a DPP monitor has been arrested with six voter IDs. She is from Chindi Village. She is being held at Mbalachanda Police Station

DPP supporter giving money to voters at Mkando in Mulanje

23-Jun-2020 | 11:22

At Mkando polling station a DPP supporter is reported to have been giving voters money