Kutola ma nambala ya viphaso va wanthu

07-May-2019 | 12:02

Shadow wa Rumphi Central wakuchema wanthu kunyumba yakhembwe wakutolapo number pa voter I.D

Hate Speech During Debates

19-Apr-2019 | 22:04

There was a political debate at Nkhwangwa CDSS that ended abruplty after hate speech exchanged between DPP and MCP supporters

Kutenga ma nambala aziphaso zovotera kwa anthu

13-Apr-2019 | 19:45

Ku Balaka North Atsogoleri Akutenga Nambala Ya Kovotera Akumanena Kt Atipatsa Nsalu,tishirt Kapena Chipewa Moti Kuno Atenga Ambiri Ndipo Tili Ndi nkhawa

Fighting between supporters

13-Apr-2019 | 09:08

There was a political debate at Mpata CDSS and it was agreed that party colours were not allowed. However DPP supporters showed up clad in their party colours and other opposing party supports started chanting songs that provoked them and things got worse and they started fighting

Violent conduct of some supporters

31-Mar-2019 | 16:48

Supporters of a certain political party have beaten up a party official of another party

Pulling down of flags

31-Mar-2019 | 16:28

Supporters of a certain political party were pulling down flags of another rival party

Barred from hosting a rally

30-Mar-2019 | 20:02

I had sought approval from chiefs to host the launch of my campaign today at Malire FP School but to my surprise am being barred from doing so, apparently they say another candidate already organised a football match to be played on the same ground. I believe this has just been organised now and is unfair

Complaint on Improper Dumping of Waste

28-Mar-2019 | 10:53

Mzinda platform i have a complaint. Unknown big Trucks have been dumping mud (Dothi) which has scrap in it, In Manja near the Manja primary school for four weeks and it seems the Blantyre City Council is unaware of this since these people are not leveling the mud in anyway rendering the road difficult to pass through

Good Insights on Council Operations

02-Sep-2018 | 17:51

Let me commend the panelists on today's program for sharing information that I think others like me surely appreciate how the council works and also responsibilities of councilors. Maybe we were expecting too much from them. On a side note let me request action from Blantyre city council with regards Makata primary school. the school blocks are old and there aren't enough toilets. This might mean the health of students being at risk

Vuto Lakusiyasiya Kwa Madzi

31-Aug-2018 | 15:13

Kuno ku Mbayani limodzi mwa mavuto omwe tili nawo ndi kusiyasiya kwa madzi. Ndine Maggie Chirwa

Alimbikitse Ukhondo Kuno Kwa Kauma

31-Aug-2018 | 15:02

Ndati ndifikire ndi uthenga kwa Khansala wathu ndinso mafumu kuno ku Nyama ward kwa Kauma kuti achitepo kanthu pa khalidwe la anthu omwe amaunjika zinyalala m'masaka nkumalawira usiku mobisa kukataya malo osayenera. izizi ndizotiso zitha kudzesa matenda.

Pipe Ya Madzi Yaphulika *Resolved*

28-Aug-2018 | 15:12

Uthenga ufike ku wota board pipe yaphulika nkati mwa msika wa lizulu. Ku ntunda mmunsi mwa bank ya standard.

Pa Zokambirana Za Miseu

26-Aug-2018 | 18:38

Ine ndati ndithirepo ndemanga program ya lero. Zoonadi ndibwino anthu tiziziwa chonchi kuti kodi ma contractor amasankhidwa bwnanji. Zitha kukhala kuti apa akungolongosola komabe chinyengo chilipo.

Comment on Mzinda Radio Program

26-Aug-2018 | 17:57

I would like to share a comment with regards today's program. I think the director of engineering in saying there is transparency in selection of contractors and that several outsiders who are professionals are involved might not necessarily guarantee a good job. From what he said interms of staffing at the council, thats what I think is the problem. I don't on his own he can be able to supervise all projects. The council needs to recruit more engineers.

Faulty Transformer *Resolved*

26-Aug-2018 | 09:14

The transformer close to Lilongwe bridge has developed a fault and so there is no power supply in buildings around premier bet offices and shops. Abdul

Vuto la Mseu ku Mimosa

21-Aug-2018 | 14:58

Kuno ku Mulanje Mimosa. Pempho ndi loti atipalire mseu kuchoka pa Mimosa kufika pa msika wa Chikuse. Mayendedwe monga kwa anthu ochoka kwa Nkhonya amavutika.